
Amongst many things, reflexology is incredibly relaxing and fantastic for tackling stress, which let’s face it we all have difficulty avoiding these days. Even short bursts of touch have been shown to lead to emotional, physical, and cognitive improvements in adults.

Touch itself appears to stimulate our bodies to react in very specific ways. The right kind can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels, stimulate the hippocampus (an area of the brain that is central to memory), and drive the release of a host of hormones and neuropeptides that have been linked to positive and uplifting emotions. The physical effects of touch are far-reaching.
— (University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine)

Treatments can help to alleviate tension whilst boosting mood and creating a sense of well-being. They can also offer time to reflect on how you are really feeling and provide a focus for making positive changes. True time out allows you to kick back, look at some different walls and escape the hustle and bustle of the usual old routine, if only for a short while. Even this can make such a difference to how you feel, literally bringing you back to life.

Clients come to me for some well earned down time but many also come because they are having difficulties in their personal lives or with their mental or physical health. Reflexology provides a holistic approach to supporting you through these times and this area outlines just a few of the concerns that clients present with when coming for a treatment.