
Why is it that perimenopause, menopause and post menopause are labelled so negatively when they are all natural stages in a woman’s life? No wonder the words fill us with dread. If we think about things in a more positive way, this is a time of liberation as we move away from the childbearing era into exciting new beginnings. 

This transition does not always have to be bad, there is much you can do regarding your lifestyle to reduce the associated negative symptoms. However, for some contending with hot flushes, night sweats and sleep disturbances, feeling emotionally low and physically exhausted can be commonplace. 

This time of change is not necessarily exclusive to women. The male menopause is becoming more widely acknowledged by the medical community with men experiencing similar symptoms due to declining levels of testosterone.

Aside from giving you some truly deserved TLC, reflexology sessions may help to alleviate some of the uncomfortable symptoms by focusing on the holistic approach to health. 

The outcome of a study conducted in Iran looked at the effects of reflexology on menopausal women and showed a reduction in hot flushes and an improvement in sleep (*1).  Another study found that reflexology helped to reduce hot flushes, sweats and night sweats (2). Finally, reflexology has also been found to reduce depression during the menopause (3).

Regular treatments can focus on the emotional and physical changes you are undergoing and will allow you to take time out, reflect on how you are managing and get you back in tune with your body, mind and spirit. 

1*- Study about reflexology and reduced hot flushes and improved sleep

2* - Study about reflexology and reduced hot flushes, sweats and night sweats

3* - Study about reflexology and reduced depression