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Reflexology is a non-invasive, natural, relaxing and enjoyable form of pressure therapy which is great for everyone.
It involves massage and compression being applied to the reflex points on your feet, hands or face.
These points make up a mini-map of the whole of your body including each organ, gland and body part.
During reflexology you can tell exactly which reflex points feel out of balance and which parts of your body they relate to.
The point of the treatment is to tease out blockages, thus returning your body to its optimum condition.
The foot map is used during reflexology sessions to target any congested areas of the body that the client has mentioned and also to identify other areas that feel out of balance.
This map shows the sole of the foot, where most reflex points can be found, from the brain (at the tip of the big toe) to the sciatic area (on the heel).
You can see how the map specifically reflects the position of the organs and body parts.
The right foot is believed to represent the righthand side of the body (and also the past), whilst the left maps out the lefthand side and the present.
Hi I'm Carrie, your Reflexologist and Holistic Stress Coach.
When you come to see me I want you to be able to switch off and make the absolute most of your ‘me time’. The way your body, mind and spirit feel can really show up during reflexology and it’s my intent to work out any tension and stresses. Get ready to become addicted to reflexology!
My work and leisure time has always been about helping people, so there’s no wonder I was drawn to reflexology. I've worked as both an emotional and practical advisor for several charities which involved supporting people during their most vulnerable times. This was instrumental in my move to become a reflexology practitioner.
I initially trained in London with one of the top reflexology practitioners and have since been a member of the leading professional association AOR.
My clients are from many different backgrounds with varied aims but I have a great deal of experience in working with women around stress & worry, fertility, maternity and perimenopause.
Aside from the immediate benefits of a deeply relaxing treatment, where possible I'll arm you with holistic support so you can continue to refocus and feel better outside of my treatment room. You’ll notice an improvement in your mood, sleep, tension levels and overall sense of well-being.
Reflexology is a wonderful, magical therapy. Come and try it for yourself.
ABC Awards Level 3 Diploma - Reflexology
ABC Level 3 Diploma - Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
Certified Diploma - Pre-conception, Pregnancy and Post-Natal Reflexology
CAM Transformational Coach
Level 5 Diploma - Health Coach
Reflexology for Menopause Certification
Member of the Association of Reflexologists (AoR)
Senior member of Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH)
Fully insured by the Alan Boswell Group
Established 2011
The Ancient Egyptians certainly knew a thing or two about the benefits of foot and hand massage but it took a while before it caught on in the West.
In fact, it has since taken a small army of medical experts, including a neurologist and physiotherapist, to rediscover how manipulation of the reflex points on our feet, hands and face can directly benefit the rest of our body (now known as zone therapy).
Reflexology not only helps to treat your feet but it can stimulate the whole of your body via the 7000+ nerve endings that are housed within them.
Nerve endings, which connect directly to the rest of your body's organs, glands and other body parts, can become blocked with calcium and uric acid leaving you feeling sluggish and out of sorts.
Reflexology uses a gentle compression technique to break down and expel these toxic deposits allowing normal blood and lymph flow around the body. It's also powerfully relaxing which allows the body to reboot and restart its return to homeostasis.
It's not a cure or alternative to medical opinion, but it can complement it. Where you have a health concern, reflexology is best used alongside conventional medicine.
The point is, when you feel relaxed and rested, the body begins to heal itself and return to homeostasis (equilibrium).
Reflexology can help kick start this journey as it's so deeply relaxing. On the other hand, you needn’t be unwell to have reflexology. It's just as beneficial to have treatments to strengthen the body and mind and prevent the rise of stress from within.
Your first appointment will include a confidential consultation to discuss your health, medical background and lifestyle.
After cleansing the feet, a number of techniques will be used to apply massage and compression to the reflex points using organic cream or oil.
You can choose to sleep if you wish and there will be relaxing music in the background to help you switch off.
After the treatment I'll let you know which reflex points felt sensitive and which parts of the body they relate to.
It's a good idea to wear warm, loose fitting clothes so you feel comfortable, and you will only need to remove your shoes and socks during the treatment!
Please don’t worry if you have ticklish feet as the pressure applied is firm.
You're likely to feel wonderfully comfortable and relaxed and it's not at all uncommon to nod off!
Due to the relaxing nature of reflexology, treatments can help to alleviate tension, boost mood and create a sense of wellbeing.
Your body's encouraged to switch off and this peaceful time allows you to reflect on how you really feel inside and recuperate.
However, there are times when you might feel sensitive and this could lead to feeling chilly, faint, restless, shaky or even nauseous.
Remember, any negative feelings you experience are usually only temporary and will subside quickly.
You're most likely to feel very relaxed, grounded and rebalanced. You may also need to go home and have a nap.
It's sometimes possible to have what's known as a healing reaction. This should be viewed as positive, as it’s your body releasing unwanted toxins, feelings and stagnant energy.
It depends on your needs. We can discuss this during your first appointment.
A state of deep relaxation can be obtained with just one session and maintained with weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions.
Treatment plans for specific conditions will vary, for example some clients will be advised to come weekly for 4-6 treatments then once a month.
Please note, 'treatment plan' refers to a suggested number of treatments - not a financial commitment. Each appointment is booked when you wish and can be rescheduled or cancelled at any time.
Treatments can help to alleviate tension whilst boosting mood and creating a sense of well-being. They can also offer time to reflect on how you are really feeling and provide a focus for making positive changes.
True time out allows you to kick back, look at some different walls and escape the hustle and bustle of the usual old routine, if only for a short while.
Even this can make such a difference to how you feel, literally bringing you back to life.
Clients come to me for some well earned down time but many also come because they are having difficulties in their personal lives or with their mental or physical health.
Reflexology provides a holistic approach to supporting you through these times and this area outlines just a few of the concerns that clients present with when coming for a treatment.
There is still an awful lot of stigma surrounding mental health but it's a fact that 1 in 3 employees in the UK will experience depression over the course of this year, and that means it may well affect you (and someone you know) at some point in your life.
This could manifest in a variety of forms including physical pain, low mood, apathy or panic attacks. These feelings often build up over time or come at you out of the blue following stressful life events.
There are many different types of depression including Post Natal Depression (PND), Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Anxiety and all can lead to the same feeling of being in a rut. Having support from external sources is the key to helping you break free.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and reflexology is most beneficial when used consistently over time and alongside another therapists' or practitioners' support.
It will provide some space to help you heal as well as the energy to confront any difficult issues life is throwing up.
Hitchin Reflexology provides treatments of various lengths and prices as well as money saving packages so that you can choose the best option to suit your comfort levels, time and budget.
Hands up anyone with IBS, constipation or flatulence... hello, anyone, anyone? I thought so...These are just a handful of the many types of digestive disorders that we live with, often in silence. They can be really embarrassing, debilitating and uncomfortable but we just put up with them and carry on as normal.
To be well you need to have a good digestive system.If yours is not functioning properly it could lead to you becoming deficient in certain vitamins and nutrients, which in turn weakens your immune system – meaning you get ill a lot.
Often, it's stress that's to blame as blood diverts away from this system when you are in fight or flight mode.Reflexology can help you to relax and improve blood and lymph flow through your body.
This in turn helps the good stuff absorb more effectively leaving your organs properly nourished (assuming you are eating and drinking the right stuff in the first place of course)!
Unexplained infertility (no medical reason for being unable to conceive) is one of the most common medical diagnosis I see amongst my clients but I also see couples at various stages of their fertility journey including just setting out, before seeing the GP for the first time, during initial and extensive fertility testing, whilst taking fertility drugs and at certain points during IVF and IUI treatment.
During a course of foot reflexology we will look at you in a holistic light – this includes nutrition and lifestyle, fertility tracking and identifying whether you have any vices that could be causing obstacles, allowing you to take back a bit of control. As well as working reflexes associated with the reproductive system, stress and hormone points will also be targeted as a focus for your treatment.
If you want to fall pregnant then it will benefit if you are relaxed, stress free and happy because the emotional and physical pressures of a fertility journey can be immense, whether from ourselves, medical practitioners, family, friends or partners. The aim of reflexology during this time is to get you in the best place possible to fall pregnant and to carry your baby to full term.
If you've been suffering from headaches and are taking a constant stream of medication to keep the pain at bay, perhaps it is time to tackle the root cause 'head on.' Reflexology sessions include a lifestyle consultation which has been designed to try and help pinpoint the underlying cause of any existing ailments.
The actual hands on treatment will target reflex points associated with your head, neck, shoulder and spine as well as sinus points and eyes. Treatments are an excellent way to melt away every day tension and stress which are the primary causes of headaches.
Some women seem to breeze through pregnancy like natural earth mothers, whilst for others there are plenty of niggles to contend with! Whichever type you are, maternity reflexology sessions can support you from the beginning of your second trimester of pregnancy (week 14) right up to labour. Treatments are intended to encourage your body to relax allowing you to manage any side effects more effectively and to create the optimum environment for your baby to develop.
In the last few weeks of your third trimester of pregnancy as your due date approaches (weeks 37-40) and for those whose babies are overdue (weeks 40+) reflexology can help to reduce anxiety in preparation for labour. Many clients come to see me in a bid to avoid being induced or having a C-section, to promote natural labour or for support at what can feel like a time of endless waiting for baby to arrive!
After the birth it can be magical but there are often many physical discomforts and hormonal imbalances to contend with alongside the emotional demands and responsibility of caring for a brand new little person. With the accumulation of all the work involved it is no wonder that over time mum and dad end up feeling exhausted, deflated and overwhelmed.
If you're feeling down in the dumps, perhaps due to breastfeeding schedules, the treadmill of baby routines, loss of sleep, postnatal depression or general tiredness and just need a bit of treasured ‘me time,’ foot reflexology is a real tonic. It can help to stimulate deep relaxation which in turn positively affects mood, sleep and wellbeing.
'Research has also shown that regular Reflexology treatments during pregnancy can significantly reduce pain during labour, shorten the length of the first stage of labour and improve the quality of sleep in post-natal women.’
Why is it perimenopause, menopause and post menopause are labelled so negatively when they are all natural stages in a woman’s life? No wonder the words fill us with dread. If we think about things in a more positive way, this is a time of liberation as we move away from the childbearing era into exciting new beginnings.
This transition doesn't have to be bad, there's much you can do regarding your lifestyle to reduce the associated negative symptoms. However, for some contending with hot flushes, night sweats and sleep disturbances, feeling emotionally low and physically exhausted can be commonplace.
This time of change is not necessarily exclusive to women. The male menopause is becoming more widely acknowledged by the medical community with men experiencing similar symptoms due to declining levels of testosterone.
Aside from giving you some truly deserved TLC, reflexology sessions may help to alleviate some of the uncomfortable symptoms by focusing on the holistic approach to health. The outcome of a study conducted in Iran looked at the effects of reflexology on menopausal women and showed a reduction in hot flushes and an improvement in sleep (*1).
Another study found that reflexology helped to reduce hot flushes, sweats and night sweats (2). Finally, reflexology has also been found to reduce depression during the menopause (3).
Regular treatments can focus on the emotional and physical changes you're undergoing and will allow you to take time out, reflect on how you are managing and get you back in tune with your body, mind and spirit.
1* - Study about reflexology and reduced hot flushes and improved sleep
2* - Study about reflexology and reduced hot flushes, sweats and night sweats
Feeling a little bit cranky, a lot cranky? Is the crankiness kicking in one, two or even three weeks before you're due on? Crankiness starting to take over? What about the bloating, tiredness, aches and pains, spots and headaches?If you can relate to any or all of the above or if you find yourself reaching for a cake at that time of the month, there's a good chance you have Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).
During reflexology sessions we will look at what you eat and the lifestyle you lead to see if these could be affecting you. Most importantly, treatments are all about time for you and will provide a chance to relax, switch off and reflect upon how you are feeling and why.
We'Ll work on your hormone reflex points and the parts of your body that are affected by stress to bring you back into balance. We can also discuss in confidence the best types of cake, how to administer them and the debauched late night runs to the off-licence. Your secrets are safe with us but lets try to resolve the cravings.
If your bathroom cabinet resembles something like this and everything you've tried so far isn't making the slightest bit of difference to your skin, perhaps it's time to think more holistically. Skin is the largest organ we have and it exists to protect us. So if your surface seems a bit out of sorts then it's likely that something underneath is to blame.
Reflexology sessions can help focus on the factors contributing to the condition of your skin and to target specific parts of your body to help bring it back into balance.Whatever your skin complaint it really is worth remembering that true beauty does start from within.
Looking at the clock, staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning, head buzzing with thoughts....insomnia is no fun.
One thing’s for sure, reflexology has an amazing ability to help with sleep. After a few sessions, many clients will nod off during their treatment. The majority of my clients also say that they sleep deeper after a treatment.
Who can say for sure how this works, but it’s believed that it’s all to do with the relaxation reflexology brings you.
Reflexology has a wonderful ability to give you what you need so if you are unable to get to sleep or stay asleep then try a course. Get your pillows plumped up ready....
It’s official that stress is bad for us. OK, a little bit of stress can be fine now and then, but when it leads to distress we have to do something about it.
When we're stressed we're in a state of fighting or running away, and that uses up a whole heap of energy. It’s no wonder then, if it goes on for too long, we can become physically and mentally unwell.
For example, stress causes our kidney adrenals to pour out cortisol to reduce any pain from the fighting, which in large doses is toxic to the brain. Over time, this can lead to depression and memory loss.
Also, our liver pours out glucose to use as energy so that our muscles can carry us away from the trouble, but excess glucose can stay in our blood stream and lead to diabetes.
Need I go on...? It's important to reduce stress wherever possible. Reflexology is great for helping you to just relax and have a little bit of time out from the daily grind.