Reflexology for Maternity

Some women seem to breeze through pregnancy like natural earth mothers, whilst for others there are plenty of niggles to contend with! Whichever type you are, maternity reflexology sessions can support you from the beginning of your second trimester of pregnancy (week 14) right up to labour. Treatments are intended to encourage your body to relax allowing you to manage any side effects more effectively and to create the optimum environment for your baby to develop.

In the last few weeks of your third trimester of pregnancy as your due date approaches (weeks 37-40) and for those whose babies are overdue (weeks 40+) reflexology can help to reduce anxiety in preparation for labour. Many clients come to see me in a bid to avoid being induced or having a C-section, to promote natural labour or for support at what can feel like a time of endless waiting for baby to arrive!

After the birth it can be magical but there are often many physical discomforts and hormonal imbalances to contend with alongside the emotional demands and responsibility of caring for a brand new little person. With the accumulation of all the work involved it is no wonder that over time mum and dad end up feeling exhausted, deflated and overwhelmed.

If you're feeling down in the dumps, perhaps due to breastfeeding schedules, the treadmill of baby routines, loss of sleep, postnatal depression or general tiredness and just need a bit of treasured ‘me time,’ foot reflexology is a real tonic. It can help to stimulate deep relaxation which in turn positively affects mood, sleep and wellbeing.

‘Research has also shown that regular Reflexology treatments during pregnancy can significantly reduce pain during labour, shorten the length of the first stage of labour and improve the quality of sleep in post-natal women.’